I am a die hard Superman fan and Smallville has been one of the few shows that I have watched for it's entire run --- ten years! I haven't always liked it, in fact there were times I found myself yelling at the television (bless my geeky heart), but I will miss it. TV Guide is profiling the series finale in its latest issue. Love the subtle Superman imagery.
Tom Welling and Erica Durance |
It's fitting that when a visitor arrives to the Burnaby, British Columbia, set of Smallville, he's quickly escorted to the Phantom Zone. The extra-dimensional prison created for planet Krypton's worst criminals is known for being nearly impossible to escape — a perfect metaphor for the show's desire to prevent leaks about the plot of the upcoming series finale. After 10 years on the air, there is, to put it mildly, intense anticipation for Clark Kent's final journey toward becoming Superman, set for May 13. (The last batch of new episodes begins Friday, April 15.) The big question, of course, is "Will he or won't he?" Will he put on the iconic costume of the comic-book legend? Will he finally learn how to fly? Will he be called Superman?
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