Merlin -- The Wicked Day

On this episode of Merlin, Arthur has the worst day ever as an evil traveling circus turns his birthday bash into a Wicked Day, depending on whose side you’re on, and sets in motion a chain of events that will change Arthur and Camelot forever.
It’s Arthur’s birthday and the kingdom is celebrating with a Circus du Arthur. The birthday boy is in no mood to celebrate; he is in Prince Regent Mode and can only think about his next duty. He changes his mind however when Uther wipes his drool and tells Arthur that he wants in on the B-day bash. Arthur is thrilled and soon the two are partying like its 1099!
Unfortunately for The Pendragons, the circus’ Gleeman is not there for merriment. He is an assassin hired by King Odin in another attempt to avenge his son’s death at the hand's of Arthur years ago. His last assassin didn't even put a dent in Arthur's Mack Daddying, chicken making, kissing to violins and jousting fun during The Once and Future Queen, but this one seems to be better at this assassin thing. After drugging Arthur he moves in for the kill, but is thwarted by Uther who channels his inner warrior and beats the Gleeman down, but not before he wounds Uther, leaving him on death's door.
A desperate Arthur decides to use magic to heal his father. Merlin sees this as a chance to show Arthur that magic is good and dusts off his Old Merlin Guise, while Morgana, after being informed of Uther’s plight by Uncle Scar has her own ideas. As Uther’s life hangs in the balance, the fate of an entire kingdom will be decided as the day of The Once and Future King may finally be at hand.
I’m just going to say it --- I didn’t particularly like this episode. I know this because I watched it three times trying to feel the love and just went blah every time. It pains me to write this because this is the episode I have been waiting years for and it felt like an anticlimactic thud. Maybe it was the placement of it. It just seemed odd that something that would shake the status quo up so much happened in the third episode after last week’s kick butt season opener. Why not do this in the season premiere? In my opinion it would have made the arc flow better.
Why was it necessary to insert a magical subplot at all with old Merlin? Oh yeah, to give Arthur a reason to hate magic and force Merlin to continue to keep the magic a secret. Last time I checked it was the very mortal King Odin who put this mess in motion, Arthur’s anger should be directed at him, but maybe that’s just me.
Don’t get me wrong, there were things I liked and there was really good things in this --- This episode saw another fantastic performance by Anthony Head who finally did the impossible, made me appreciate Uther for his complexities. I still hate the baby drowning bastard, but the ending of his arc just felt right.
Also, the last scene in this episode is iconic; there is no way around it. It made me smile and feel excited about what’s next; too bad all that other stuff had to happen before it.
Kudos to Bradley James as well. He brought his A Game in this episode. I felt Arthur‘s pain and his fear and ultimately his resolve.
Colin Morgan continues to shine as Merlin. As I said, it’s his party, and rightfully so, but can other people come to the table?
 The lack of Gwen was ridiculous. Given the magnitude of events in this episode she should have been at Arthur’s side. Why have an actress as good as Angel Coulby and give her nothing to do? I came across the completed script for Wicked Day which featured Gwen the way she should have been portrayed in this eppy, so my instincts were correct, her absence was odd. She was needed to make it feel like a complete story and her presence would have been an organic part of the story. So why was it cut? Oh look, another trouser joke!  
Maybe the fourth viewing will be the charm.
This is actually going to be more like a rant. I know that this show is about Merlin and everything, even as something as momentous as what happens in this episode, is told from his point of view, but the lack of view point from anybody else besides Arthur was a HUGE disappointment.
This is Morgana’s journey too, and what she did in this episode is yet another step into her decent to darkness, but we get no real reaction from her. What a letdown. In fact, she could not have even been in THIS episode. That makes no sense given her place in the story. Why is somebody like Morgana, who had the potential to be an amazing villain being treated like an afterthought in this of all episodes? You can argue that it was she who ultimately did the deed, but her scenes were so whatever that her role in all this lacked a true impact. I know some extra lines thrown Morgana’s way might have taken away from all the tomfoolery with Merlin and Arthur -- playing dress up and giving each other horseback rides and such, but geesh. Yes, the bromance is one of the things that makes this show sparkle but it was the subtle way that Merlin was there for Arthur in this episode that really tugged at the heart. They didn’t need all that other stuff.
Speaking of head scratching developments, this was THE moment the Gwen and Arthur have been talking about forever and?…I’m going to let this go because I could type at length on how Gwen’s small role in this episode tees me off. No Gwen being a supportive girlfriend and future queen for us! But I’m sure we will see PLENTY of Gwen when the Triangle of Doom returns ‘cause a woman’s real value is measured by how crazy she can make the men fighting over her, right. Maybe she’ll even be enchanted during that episode to give Arthur yet another contrived reason to hate magic. I know that the writers don’t want the Gwen/Arthur romance to eat this show, I get that. I even agree with that. If Gwen was Merlin’s love interest it would be different since he’s the main character, but she’s Arthurs’ so their romance is on the fringes, I get it, but as Arthur and Gwen move to their destined fate as husband and wife it might be a good idea to ,you know , show them acting like a couple. This was the perfect opportunity, too bad all the scenes that did that ended up on the cutting room floor.
No scenes with Uther and Uncle Scar talking? Really? That bedside scene doesn’t count! Uther told Arthur he knew everything going on around him, that would seem to mean that he knows his brother-in-law is back as well. Maybe they reunited off screen because who needs to see something as important as Uther being reunited with Ygraine’s remaining brother?  We know that Aggy hates Uther, and we all know why he hates Uther, and I’m sure Uther knows it as well. That much animosity and past issues warranted a scene or two.  
Don’t te
Why does Arthur blame magic for his mother’s death? Does he know the truth about his birth? Last time I checked he didn’t believe the vision he saw, thanks to Merlin. Don’t tell me he found out off screen.
One last thing, I know that I rag on Gaius A LOT, but his scene with Merlin after things shake out when he basically shrugs his shoulders and says let’s go get something to eat just made me laugh! I’m sure he went to the pub afterwards and did a happy dance that he “made it.” I know I would have.


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