Played to perfection by British actress Angel Coulby, Guinevere, or Gwen, is nobody's sidekick. When we first meet her she is a shy servant girl who is awkward around men and crushes on anyone she sees as the opposite of Camelot's Prince --- an arrogant bully who she can't imagine anyone would want to marry. Gwen hopes that Arthur will marry her Lady, the fiery Morgana, who unbeknownst to them is his sister, but that's another story. In any other tale, Gwen would be regulated to the best friend role as the "traditionally" beautiful Morgana got all the men and all the stories, but in Merlin we get to see Gwen’s journey's to becoming queen.
I'm not sure if the BBC even thought about this, but to see a woman of color in a legendary role is amazing. She is a woman of substance who matters to the story, a woman who anybody would want to be. Gwen has been given Arthur's traditional background in this version. She is the commoner in touch with the people, while Arthur is the spoiled Noble with a selfish streak. It will be Gwen's common roots that connect Arthur to the people
Some of the criticism of Gwen's character is that she's too nice, to plain, to fickle, but I disagree. Gwen is a servant in a time when it paid to be invisible. The moment she is noticed by Arthur and King Uther is the moment she is arrested for witchcraft and almost burned at the stake. Many may prefer the emotional Morgana, but Morgana is Uther's beloved ward and has the luxury of being outspoken and dramatic; she has liberties that Gwen does not. Gwen has leaned to use her quiet dignity to make her point. Her inner strength is admirable. She thinks before she acts and she cares about how her actions will affect others. She is also smart, using her deductive reasoning to help Merlin at times, and spying on Morgana to help Arthur.
Gwen also gets the guy --- or The Prince in this instance. Gwen and Arthur's romance is portrayed as epic and
Speaking of triangle's, Gwen doesn't just get Arthur's attention; she gets ALL the guys attention. When Lancelot saunters in to town smoldering and full of earnest desire, he is instantly smitten with the sweet Gwen, falling for her before Arthur even realizes that she is alive. Sexy future knight Gwaine is next and of all the women in all of Camelot Gwen catches his eye. How often do you see a Black woman portrayed as everyone's heart desire?
In fact, men just don't want Gwen, they care about her, they treasure her. When she is in danger it’s both Lancelot and Arthur to the rescue, risking their lives in the name of love. While a lot has been made of Gwen's feelings for Lance to me it makes sense that she would see him as a viable option. This Lancelot is a commoner, he is attainable. Gwen is a realist who at the time of Lancelot’s appearance doesn’t believe she has a chance with Prince Arthur and she has no desire to be a martyr for love, especially when the handsome, brave Lancelot is a man that she can love and be happy with. To me that shows her to be a woman with a good head on her shoulders. What is wrong with her trying to find some happiness for herself given her circumstances? Should she have taken a vow of celibacy and resolved to watch Arthur marry and have children while she died an old maid? Gwen clearly loves Arthur but she is terrified that Arthur is going to break her heart and she spends much of Season 2 and some of Season 3 protecting it. But when she does allow herself to believe in Arthur's love she gives herself to him completely, promising to wait for him and showing her loyalty to him by fleeing Camelot to join him on the run when Morgana takes over Camelot. How this triangle plays out in this version is anybody's guess, but one thing’s for sure, it will be interesting to watch and Gwen isn’t just going to be a victim to her fate whatever that maybe.
All in all Gwen's specialness lies in her ordinariness. Her race is not a factor; she is allowed to be your typical romantic heroine. She is allowed to just be an ordinary girl with an extraordinary future, and by watching her we see that anyone, no matter what color, can be a Queen.
Notable Gwen Episodes
Season One
The Dragon’s Call
Guinevere is introduced as a shy servant girl who admires bravery and would never want to marry the arrogant Prince Arthur in a million years.
The Moment of Truth
Gwen travels with Merlin, Arthur and Morgana to his childhood village and helps the villagers beat back greedy warlords. Gwen gets some face time with Arthur, scolding him for his arrogance but telling him they believe he will help them be victorious when he begins doubting himself.
Lancelot rides into Camelot and falls for Gwen.
To Kill a King
Gwen's father is unjustly executed by Uther. Arthur later visits her and apologizes, promising that he has secured her job and her house. This episode loses points when it ignores the repercussions on Gwen and turns into another episode of Morgana Hates Uther.
Le Morte d'Arthur
Arthur almost dies and it is Gwen's faith in him that helps him pull through. This episode is the beginning of the Gwen/Arthur romance.
Season Two
The Once and Future Queen
Arthur stays at Gwen's house so that he can secretly compete in a tournament. The two are drawn to each other
Lancelot and Guinevere
Gwen impersonates Morgana and is kidnapped in her place. Both Lancelot and Arthur come to her rescue and triangular complications ensue.
Sweet Dreams
Arthur is enchanted to think he loves a visiting princess just when Gwen is ready to give them a chance. Gwen's true love kiss breaks the spell.
Season Three
The Tears of Uther Pendragon Part 2
Gwen gives Arthur sound advice when he needs it most. She also helps take care of the wounded when Camelot is under siege.
Gwen is the lucky girl in Gwaine's sight. Just funny to see how much everyone likes her milkshake.
The Changeling
Arthur is forced into an arrange marriage and Gwen must find a way to cope.
Castle of Fryien
Gwen gets a brother and story of her own.
The Eye of the Phoenix
Gwen uses her detective skills to deduce that Morgana has turned to the Dark Side.
The Queen of Hearts
Gwen and Arthur are discovered by Uther. Gwen keeps her wits and her dignity as she tries to hold onto Arthur and her life.
The Coming of Arthur Part 2
Gwen acts as a mole in Morgana's court, helping Sir Leon escape and joining Arthur and his knights in their bid to retake Camelot.
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